Intensive care
Emergency action is taken in various situations: accidents, surgical and post-operative complications, cardiovascular diseases, allergies, the effects of therapeutic errors arising from veterinarians with little experience in difficult cases, etc.
Intensive therapy in all of these situations can save your pet’s life, so if this is the case, please contact the KUROSZ Clinic immediately, which employs specialists in veterinary intensive therapy, has the right equipment to carry it out and the appropriate facilities to care for patients requiring constant supervision.
For our patients, in cases of emergency, we have:
- a hospital
- 24-hour medical service
- qualified staff
- on-site diagnostics
- interventional procedures: thoracic punctures, thoracic drainage, treatment of emphysema, tracheostomies, pericardial punctures for hydropericarditis
- treatment of thoracic injuries, treatment of head injuries, management of patients with multiple organ injuries