kontakt@klinikakurosz.pl +48 95 720 84 83 8:00-20:00 | 10:00-20:00 | 10:00-20:00 |

X-ray and ultrasound

X-rays are carried out in our clinic using state-of-the-art equipment working with digital direct technology (DR X-ray).

Using such a system allows us to obtain high-quality radiographs (X-rays) in a matter of seconds, with the possibility of unlimited duplication.

A second very important aspect of using such equipment is the safety of our staff and our patients. Our work is guided by the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable – this applies to both X-ray doses and number of exposures)

X-rays of the following are the most common:

  • Abdominal cavity
  • Chest
  • Bones and joints (including X-rays of joints with possible entry in the pedigree register)
  • Spine

In addition to traditional photography, we also use contrast photography (positive and negative) in our work:

  • Cystography
  • Fistulography
  • Myelography
  • Descending urography
  • Ascending urethrography
  • Contrast studies of joints and tendon sheaths

Ultrasound (ultrasonography) is a method of imaging tissue using waves called ultrasound. These waves are first sent into the tissues, passing through them and returning to the camera to give a representation of the structures that they encounter on their way.

This is particularly useful in the diagnosis of diseases of the parenchymal organs especially of the abdominal cavity (liver, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, reproductive system…). However, we also use this examination in the diagnosis of oncology, and some orthopaedic diseases, thoracic diseases (thoracic ultrasound).

Thanks to our fully-equipped Doppler machine, we are able to assess the blood supply to organs (e.g. kidneys, lymph nodes), diagnose vascular defects such as portal and peripheral anastomoses, both intra- and extrahepatic, and perform full echocardiography (cardiac ECHO) in all recommended projections with full flow diagnostics.

We carry out continuous Doppler (CW), pulsed Doppler (PW), colour Doppler and Power Doppler examinations.

Imaging examinations, such as ultrasound and X-rays, allow accurate diagnosis but also control of the treatment process.