kontakt@klinikakurosz.pl +48 95 720 84 83 8:00-20:00 | 10:00-20:00 | 10:00-20:00 |


Every veterinary clinic should have its own diagnostic centre. In this way, the process of diagnosis can be reduced to the minimum necessary and carers and patients are not subjected to the loss of time and uncertainty resulting from prolonged waits. This is also what we do in our clinic.

The Analytical Laboratory , which is part of the KUROSZ Clinic’s Diagnostic Centre, is equipped to carry out all the necessary analyses on-site and on an ongoing basis.

We test both basic biochemical parameters and very specialised ones (fructosamine, ammonia, plasma proteins, drug levels: phenobarbital)

In addition to blood counts, we also perform blood smears, cross-match tests and blood group determinations.

We carry out faecal, urine tests on site (we use apparatus for veterinary procedures).

We carry out examinations of body cavity fluids.

We perform fine-needle biopsies, full cytology examinations, widely used in the diagnosis of canine and feline cancers (please visit Veterinary Oncology).