kontakt@klinikakurosz.pl 95 720 84 83 Pon - Pt: 8:00-20:00 | Sob - Nd: 10:00-20:00


In animals, unlike in humans, dental intervention is more akin to a surgical procedure than a visit to the dentist. This is why veterinary dentistry is a surgical specialisation and requires the clinic running it to have a modern anaesthetic system and experienced operators.

Neither dogs nor cats brush their teeth the way we humans do. However, this does not absolve us of the need to care for their teeth. However, veterinary dentistry is not only dental cosmetics carried out under anaesthesia (tartar removal, tooth extraction, etc.). The KUROSZ clinic’s dentists mainly treatment somatic disorders (inflammatory conditions) which, manifesting themselves, among other things, in the teeth, can, if untreated, lead to serious consequences.

Therefore, within veterinary dentistry, we offer the following at our clinic:

– periodontal and oral x-ray diagnostics,

– facial oncological surgeries,

– tartar removal (with the most modern methods already known in human dentistry: ultrasound method with polishing),

– extractions of teeth (deciduous persistent and permanent),

– removal of supernumerary teeth,

-gum correction,

– treatment of periodontal diseases,

– treatment of specific feline oral diseases (FORL, plasmacytoid stomatitis).