Neurology and neurosurgery
The nervous system is very complex, reaching all parts of the body. It has several parts, including the brain, spinal cord, nerves and connections between nerves and tissues such as muscles and other organs.
Neurological disorders can have many different causes and can present themselves in different ways. Abnormalities may appear gradually or suddenly, with or without accompanying trauma. Some symptoms, such as convulsions or paralysis, may strongly indicate the nervous system, while others may be less obvious.
Different neurological diseases cause similar symptoms but have very different implications for treatment and prognosis.
As the nervous system cannot be observed directly, a thorough examination and, in some cases, advanced diagnostic tests such as MRI, CT scans or electroneurological examinations are required to make an accurate diagnosis.
Even with this information at hand, previous clinical experience and knowledge of the latest developments in veterinary medicine can make a big difference in determining the optimal treatment plan. The dedicated neurology and neurosurgery team uses knowledge and skills to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients. Early intervention can be crucial for the successful treatment of some serious conditions, and we recommend that animals are referred immediately for specialist diagnosis and treatment. Our specialists are highly experienced in all aspects of neurology and neurosurgery, from examination and diagnosis to medical management and neurosurgical treatment, including brain surgery and complex spinal surgery.