kontakt@klinikakurosz.pl +48 95 720 84 83 8:00-20:00 | 10:00-20:00 | 10:00-20:00 |


Animals, although more agile than humans, very often have accidents that end in bone damage. All it takes is a lack of caution in a city full of speeding cars or too much trust in people, who often deliberately cause harm to animals.

If we add to this the whole range of natural disorders of genetic or acquired origin, we get a picture of the very wide range of knowledge and skills required in veterinary orthopaedics. This specialisation is handled by the surgical team at the KUROSZ Clinic. Our doctors have many years of experience in the surgical treatment of bone disorders. We deal with, among other things:

  • early diagnosis of hip dysplasia (we carry out clinical tests and an X-ray examination as early as 3 or 4 months of age, which is important in the prevention of the development of this disease and allows for the performance of interventions aimed at better shaping of the hip joints),
  • symphysiodesis, or anastomosis of the pelvic conjunctiva (a procedure performed in dogs up to 4 or 5 months of age that are at high risk of developing hip dysplasia),
  • denervation of the joint capsules(to reduce pain),
  • resection of the head and neck of the femur,
  • X-ray diagnosis of hip dysplasia with entry of the result in the breed register,
  • diagnosis and treatment of elbow joint dysplasia,
  • diagnosis and treatment of osteochondrosis (elbow, shoulder, tarsal joint),
  • ligament operations(including ruptures of the cruciate ligaments of the knee, reconstruction of collateral ligaments, etc.),
  • ligament replacement surgery
  • TTA Rapid, lateral suture method for anterior cruciate ligament rupture, TPLO
  • Hip dislocation surgery (both open and closed repositioning, Toggle Pin, Fiba League)
  • limb amputations (necessary in case of cancerous processes or high nerve damage), also low amputations with partial prostheses and orthoses
  • partial salvage amputations with bone grafts in the case of tumours (additionally supported by anti-tumour therapy if necessary – e.g. in the case of osteosarcoma)
  • visceral surgery (partial amputation of the entire mandible, maxilla, with plastic surgery)
  • osteosynthesis(the assembly of fractured limbs) even in the case of very complex bone dislocations: we use many methods of bone fusion: intramedullary anastomoses, external stabilisers, bone plates, including reconstruction plates, SOP, others.
  • Surgical correction of malformations
  • Treatment of patellar dislocation: habitual and post-traumatic in various degrees (trochleoplasty, displacement of the tibial tuberosity, corrective osteotomies, others)
  • Arthrodesis, i.e. surgical stiffening of joints (plates, external stabilisers, bone grafts, bone substitute materials)