kontakt@klinikakurosz.pl 95 720 84 83 Pon - Pt: 8:00-20:00 | Sob - Nd: 10:00-20:00

About us

A person is a person. An animal is an animal. But the feelings that bind them are always similar. Joy and peace are given and received. Animals often protect us, but they always make us feel less lonely. As their guardians, we humans give them the same thing: responsibility for their fate and a sense of belonging. We all know this in our clinic.

That is why we treat the animals who are our patients as well as their carers, who are our customers, with equal understanding. We have animals ourselves and therefore understand the plight of both our own and those of others. We understand the pain caused by suffering and rejoice in the return to health. These are the reasons why the guiding motto of our work is:

Restoring the health and reducing the suffering of animals, and to caregivers in their love for their charges.

We fulfil our mission on a daily basis by referring to everything that a Veterinary Clinic, staffed by a professional team of doctors and assistants, can offer its patients and clients.

24-hour animal care

Our hospital functions similarly to any other hospital in that it provides round-the-clock care from trained professionals and does not necessitate the patient or their caretaker making numerous trips to the clinic for any reason, which is especially important when doing so would only add to the caregiver’s stress and the animal’s anguish.

Modern medical procedures

Which we are developing in line with developments in veterinary medicine, as well as with the emergence of unexpected cases. These allow us to broaden our professional experience.

Proven and optimised medicines

Which reduce the risk of complications and maximise treatment outcomes without exposing our clients to unreasonable costs.

Diagnostic centre

We have a fully equipped laboratory and internal organ imaging facilities that allow us to make rapid diagnoses. This is crucial, especially in more severe cases.

Appropriate selection of staff

Based on checking the qualifications of every newly recruited veterinary doctor and assistant and our in-house training system.

Wide range of specialisations

Modelled on the health system, which takes care of people.

Treating patients individually

Whose suffering and anxiety associated with illness often resemble human anxiety and suffering. And therefore requires the same attention, interest, sensitivity and professional competence.

The right attitude towards competition

Who we do not see as the enemy, but rather as a partner in developing the veterinary ecosystem in Gorzów. This is because any of our customers can go to any treatment centre. That is why we are keen to promote community-based, multi-doctor training to improve medical skills.

Friendly and professional service

Focused on understanding customers’ needs. We are focused on understanding your needs. Our appointment system allows you not to waste time, and our doctors are obliged to provide full diagnostic information and consult on the most important decisions related to treatment, its costs and available alternatives.