kontakt@klinikakurosz.pl 95 720 84 83 Pon - Pt: 8:00-20:00 | Sob - Nd: 10:00-20:00


The Blood Bank run at the KUROSZ Clinic enables transfusion-based therapies. The various blood products produced at our blood bank are used for a wide range of conditions:

– Erythrocyte concentrate is administered: in cases of anaemia with circulatory insufficiency, in chronic anaemia, hypovolaemic shock, in liver disease and allergies, to counteract negative reactions to previous transfusion, and in cases of multiple myeloma.

– Fresh whole blood is given: in cases of anaemia and massive haemorrhage, acute haemorrhage, coagulopathy, liver disease with enlargement of the liver and spleen, and in haemolytic anaemia.

– Fresh frozen plasma is used: for coagulopathies, intravascular coagulation syndrome, during extensive haemorrhage and coagulopathies caused by liver failure.

– Frozen plasma is appropriate: for warfarin poisoning (which is found in rat poison, among other things), extensive burns, conditions with protein loss (nephrosclerosis).

The blood bank we maintain at the KUROSZ Clinic allows us to produce a whole range of preparations used in veterinary medicine. There are many such preparations and only the best banks can produce their different varieties.

– fresh whole blood – collected from the donor and used within 4-6 hours without pre-processing,

– whole blood – collected from the donor and properly processed may be stored for a longer period of time,

– red blood cell concentrate – this is whole blood centrifuged under appropriate conditions (without plasma),

– fresh plasma – plasma devoid of erythrocytes within 4 hours of blood collection and used within 24 hours,

– stored plasma – plasma stored in a refrigerator at 1-6 degrees Celsius for up to 35 days,

– fresh frozen plasma – plasma frozen at -70 degrees within 6 hours of collection; It can be stored for up to one year and should be used within two hours of thawing,

– frozen plasma is plasma frozen 6 hours after blood collection or fresh frozen plasma stored for more than one year,

– platelet-rich plasma (thrombocytes) is prepared by centrifugation of whole blood and removal of plasma from the erythrocyte sediment.w,

– platelet concentrate – is prepared by centrifugation of platelet-rich plasma; the top layer of plasma is then transferred by pipette leaving the last 50 ml. and the remaining 50 ml. is a platelet concentrate.

When administering blood products, it is essential to bear in mind the recommendations for correct use regarding: dosage, appropriate type, thermal conditions and equipment parameters. Every transfusion carries some risk. This is why it is important to provide specific blood components according to the patient’s needs. Knowledge of the blood groups in the animals being treated should also be taken into account.

– Blood groups in dogs – The blood type of dogs is determined by a specific protein located on the surface of the red blood cell called the canine erythrocyte antigen DEA. In dogs, eight of these specific antigens have been defined. These are: DEA 1.1, DEA 1.2, DEA 3, DEA 4, DEA 5, DEA 6, DEA 7, DEA 8. It can therefore be said that dogs have eight blood groups. In 40% of the canine population, the DEA 1.1 antigen is present on the surface of erythrocytes. Only 15% of dogs have naturally-occurring antibodies against DEA 3, DEA 4 , DEA 5, DEA 7 antigens. For this reason, the risk of reaction in dogs (which have not previously received a transfusion) is low. Accurate identification of the blood group in dogs is just as important as in humans. Before any procedure that requires the administration of blood to a sick animal, such a test should be performed. We do this directly at the KUROSZ Clinic Diagnostic Centre.

– Feline blood – Cats are predominantly blood type A (over 99% of domestic cats). Group B (up to 50%) in British Shorthair, Devon Rexow, Persian and British cats. Blood type AB is rare. All cats have naturally occurring antibodies against feline erythrocytes. If a cat with blood type A receives blood type B there is a delayed haemolytic reaction (erythrocytes survive 1-3 days). On the other hand, if a cat with blood type B receives blood type A there will be a sudden haemolytic reaction leading even to death (erythrocytes will survive 1-3 hours). Therefore, haematological diagnosis is crucial in this animal species.